Friday, August 11, 2006

Finishing touches

Yesterday was the day we put on all the cosmetics. We added lattice work, hung the swing (yep, I'm Southern!) and put up the patio furniture. Today while I cut the grass (or as they say here in Colorado- I mowed the lawn!), Dave put down more sand on the portage stones after they had settled a bit. We headed up to Woodland Park so Dave could see the backside of Pikes Peak and have a Colorado famous buffalo burger. It was a pretty leisurly day- we grocery shopped for a BBQ tomorrow then headed back home to sit on the patio. Dave couldn't sit still looking at the scrap wood. He ended up making a side table for my swing! Oh, and he also stabalized my tool shed so it wasn't so shaky.

As you can see from the pictures, it's looking pretty finished at this point. The last picture is what the pergola looks like looking out my kitchen window. We picked up Dave's tools, so piddling is over, BBQ is on. They're not locked in the trunk yet though, so stand by. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks amazing! I want to go back to CO and test it out!