Thursday, January 01, 2009


A lot has happened since I've gotten back to California from Christmas vacation! I landed in San Diego, rented a car, rushed to my apartment to get my bike to the Harley shop before they closed, then spent the rest of the night preparing my personal property for the movers. The movers showed up on time and packed out my stuff but were "unaware" that I had a bike that needed to be shipped. After some negotiating, the movers followed me to the Harley shop where they had prepared my bike for shipping. I just didn't have enough time or the facilities to prep the bike myself. Me and some of the mechanics stood out in the parking lot in shocked amusement as we watched the movers try to figure out how to get my bike into the truck and strapped down. As attached as I am to my bike, I finally had to remind myself that it's just an object that can be replaced and let them do with it what they will. I'm anxious to see what condition it shows up in North Carolina in. Even with the help of the guys at the Harley shop, the whole operation was dishearteningly incompetent.

With all my stuff en route and the apartment turned over, I once again showed up on Whit & Kathie's doorstep homeless! You know you have good friends when they allow you to show up twice in the same year needing room & board!! Their twins (Naomi & Cal) are still in NICU and their progress has been an emotional roller coaster ride for these first-time parents. I've done my best to be a help and not a burden during this time of crisis for them and can only hope that I'm pulling it off to some small degree. Me doing the grocery shopping and cooking dinner last night helped to score a few good-house-guest points!

The process of going into the Army has been an extremely frustrating one. I resigned from my job, shipped my household goods and booked a plane ticket to get me to training that starts on Monday without officially being in the Army. As of yesterday, I still had not raised my right hand or signed one single piece of paper stating that I was in the Army. Finally, yesterday Whit was able to commission me at a recruiter's office here in San Diego so I now have a piece of paper saying that I am in the Army. Another testament to the bonds of friendship- Whit & Kathie did my commissioning while their son Cal was having brain surgery (notice the hospital bracelets on Whit's wrist). I didn't want them to leave the hospital to do it and had the recruiter lined up to do it instead, but they insisted that they needed the distraction to keep their mind off the surgery. I'm continually amazed at how well they are handling having two babies in NICU.

Our New Year's Eve was spent here at Whit & Kathie's house with a home cooked meal and a nice bottle of wine. We kicked off the New Year with visiting Naomi at the hospital this morning and running errands for the rest of the day. I hope everyone has a Happy New Year and that you set goals for the New Years that are achievable and have a positive impact on the rest of your life. After all, today is the first day of the rest of your life so make it count!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never under estimate the power of freiendship.Friends are angels on earth sent from God to help and watch over us . It is a two way deal that works wonders when we are unaware. Love to the Robinsons and you. MOM