Monday, August 13, 2007

Bighorn Mountain Lodge

Now that I've relayed how wonderful my trip to Rocky Mountain National Park was, let me point out the one disappointment of the trip. Most of the folks reading the blog know that I can be a spontaneous gal. I get a wild hair to do something and I usually follow through if it still seems like a good idea after a few moments thoughts. In true Karen fashion, I didn't have reservations for this trip, I just jumped on my Harley and headed north.

Once I got to Estes Park around 4:30 p.m., I pulled up to the visitor's center and went inside. I pulled out my cell phone and started pulling lodging brochures from the pamphlet counter. Not one vacancy in the whole town it seemed. Not having kids, I didn't know that this was the last weekend for family outings before school started back up! Finally, the number in one brochure, Bighorn Mountain Lodge, revealed the last remaining room in Estes Park!

Do you have a room for tonight?


How much?

$117 with tax.

Can I reserve it?

Sure, but just to let you know it doesn't have an air conditioner.

I recall the fact that Estes Park is above 7500 ft, chuckle and reply that I am from Louisiana and all I need is moving air.

So I check in, drive around to room 128 and open the door. An average room, nothing to write home about but will do for a night of sleep. Notice the wooden slats under the windows and think that the downward slope of those little slats aren't gonna let much air in the room. Look for the latch to unlock and open the window. Nothing. The windows don't open. It's a little stuffy in the room, but I leave the door open to let some air in and it's not too bad. Except for the family with four little kids staying in the room to my left and using the community kitchen in the room to my right. Good thing I travel with ear plugs. I'll just go take a shower and cool down from the 90 degree ride up. What you see in the picture is what greeted my bare feet.

Now, anyone who has traveled with me may be surprised that I am disgruntled over a little mildew in the shower. I've stayed in lots of hostels that had showers that looked worse than this. But the key word here is HOSTEL! Budget prices, usually half or less than half the price of a hotel room. What you see in the picture is in a $117 a night HOTEL room.

As I checked out the next morning, I asked the nice young lady manning the counter if there was a comment card I could fill out. She looked at me totally perplexed and repeated "A comment card?" Apparently they didn't have any, so this post should suffice as my comment card now! Now when anyone googles Bighorn Mountain Lodge, this post will come up as one of the hits. Perhaps this will help prospective lodgers make a more informed decision.

I don't consider myself a vindictive woman, but I don't like being taken for a ride either. Having the last room in town is one thing, but charging over $100 for a mildewed, budget hotel room is another! Thanks for letting me rant!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey "K"
SO "Bighorn Mountain Lodge" gets one "K" finger out of a possible 5. I cancelled my reservations.....and am marking it down as a "must NOT see".

Until I saw the pictures of Rick up there ..I didn't believe it. That picture of him as the "Sheriff" is priceless!

Love you girl....."Ride On" Aunt Ruth